| F7117-206-01 | Motor for Class 37 Graham Farish model 371-170 | £22.00 | £18.33 | In stock |
 | F7117-209-01 | Driveshaft NEW for Class 37 Graham Farish model 371-170 | £2.00 | £1.67 | In stock |
 | F7117-213-01 | class 37 Chassis blocks - pair - Grey 371-466A | £10.00 | £8.33 | In stock |
 | F7117-239-01 | Class 37 Geared bogie axle - Black Gear 371-170 | £5.00 | £4.17 | In stock |
 | F7117-239-02 |
Geared bogie axle - White Gear for Class 37 Graham Farish model 371-170 | £5.00 | £4.17 | In stock |
 | F7117-240-01 | Complete Bogies with Coupling - Plain Black - new shorter type, nem pocket for Class 37 Graham Farish model 371-171/450/450A
452/456/457/465/466Z/467/468 | £25.00 | £20.83 | In stock |
 | F7117-240-01A | Complete Bogies with Coupling - Plain Black - older long type, pin type coupling for Class 37 Graham Farish model 371-171/450/450A
452/456/457/465/466Z/467/468 | £25.00 | £20.83 | In stock |
 | F7117-240-02 | Complete Bogies - Without Coupling - Plain Black - new shorter type, nem pocket for Class 37 Graham Farish model 371-171/450/450A
452/456/457/465/466Z/467/468 | £25.00 | £20.83 | In stock |
 | F7117-240-03A | Complete Bogies - Black with yellow axle boxes - With coupling - older long type, pin type coupling for Class 37 Graham Farish model 371-167/169/466/469 | £25.00 | £20.83 | In stock |
 | F7117-240-04 | Complete Bogies - Black with yellow axle boxes - Without coupling - new shorter type, nem pocket for Class 37 Graham Farish model 371-167 | £25.00 | £20.83 | In stock |
 | F7117-240-05 | Complete Bogies - Black with yellow axle boxes and red line running across - With coupling - older long type, pin type coupling for Class 37 Graham Farish model 371-451 | £25.00 | £20.83 | In stock |
 | F7117-240-06 | Complete Bogies - Black with 3 white pipes each side - new shorter type, nem pocket for Class 37 Graham Farish model 371-168 | £25.00 | £20.83 | In stock |
 | F7117-240-07 | Complete Bogie - Yellow Axle Boxes, Red Springs & Small White Pipes - new shorter type, nem pocket for Class 37 Graham Farish model 370-375 | £25.00 | £20.83 | In stock |
 | F7117-240-08 | Class 37 Complete bogie - Black with yellow axle boxes and 3 white pipes - with coupling - new shorter type, nem pocket 371-450SD | £25.00 | £20.83 | In stock |
 | F7117-240-09 | Class 37 Complete Bogie - Yellow Axle Boxes, white Springs & Small White Pipes - new shorter type, nem pocket 371-168K | £25.00 | £20.83 | In stock |
 | F7117-240-10 | Class 37 Complete Bogies - Black with yellow axle boxes and red line running across - With coupling - new shorter type, nem pocket 371-453A | £25.00 | £20.83 | In stock |
 | F7117-240-11 | Class 37 Complete Bogie - Weathered Black 371-470SD/472 | £25.00 | £20.83 | In stock |
 | F7117-242-01 | Bogie tower - kit of parts (no frame or wheels) for Class 37 Graham Farish model 371-170 | £10.00 | £8.33 | In stock |
 | F7117-242-02 | Complete Bogie tower (No frame No wheels) new shorter type for Class 37 Graham Farish model 371-170 | £10.00 | £8.33 | In stock |
 | F7117-242-03 | Bogie tower - Frame Only no gears, pinions or pick-up's for Class 37 Graham Farish model 371-170 | £5.00 | £4.17 | In stock |
 | F7117-243-01 | Bogie frame - black No Couplings - new shorter type, nem pocket
for Class 37/4 Graham Farish model 371-171 | £5.00 | £4.17 | In stock |
 | F7117-243-02 | Bogie frame - black No couplings - older long type, pin type coupling
for Class 37/4 Graham Farish model 371-171 | £5.00 | £4.17 | In stock |
 | F7117-245-01 | Bogie Pick up strips for Class 37 Graham Farish model 371-170 | £2.00 | £1.67 | In stock |
 | F7117-247-01 | Worm and Housing - Whole drivecup no splits for Class 37 Graham Farish model 371-170 | £4.00 | £3.33 | In stock |
 | F7117-247-02 | Housing no Worm for Class 37 Graham Farish model 371-170 | £2.00 | £1.67 | In stock |